Over at
Inside a Dog current writer-in-residence Brigid Lowry (author of many wonderful books including,
Guitar Highway Rose,
Tomorrow All Will Be Beautiful and
Juicy Writing) is devising strategies for chasing away the blues brought on by the change of season. She suggests making a list of: Things That Would Make Me Happy or Things I Am Prepared To Do Without.
This Onion is a big fan of Spring (yes - even with all that annoying wind) so is not struggling with any seasonal blues, but we do love a list.
So here's a list of Items We Are Not Prepared To Do Without:
1: Daylight savings
2: The West Wing
3: HB pencils, a sharpener with a good action and a clean eraser
4: The Macquarie Dictionary
5: Lightly salted, thinly sliced potato chips
6: A healthy pile of books beside the bed

7: Editing in the wild
(Thanks, P) -->8: Jasmine tea
9: Those tiny bulldog clips that are totally useless, but very cute
10: Fresh tomatoes
11: Good Tupperware
Ooh, especially those tiny bulldog clips with animals on them from Kikki-K. I love stationery. It's a girl/editor thang!
I take issue with your comment that those tiny clips are useless! SO much better than paper clips - no pile of paper too small for a tiny bulldog clip.
And tupperware is evil :)
Eva, unfortunately in my experience they do fall off in some instances of 3 sheets of paper or less. (Obviously, being both an editor and a girl, I always try the bulldog clip before resorting to disentangling a paperclip from the 80 million annoyinganddull other paperclips in my drawer.) I therefore think they should introduce an even smaller bulldog clip. Ideally with animals on them. And pronto.
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