a hot-off-the-press, Special Advance Copy of Scarygirl by Nathan Jurevicius.
a hot-off-the-press, Special Advance Copy of Scarygirl by Nathan Jurevicius.
You will be the coolest kid in school/on the block/at work/around the house/Kirribilly house/The White House (Hi Barack, Michelle, Malia, Sasha, thanks for stopping by) - or wherever it is you spend your days. Because we have very few special advances and everybody wants one.**
Be the first to email us seven correct answers and we will send you a Scarygirl for your very own. [You will find our special competition email address in the comments.]
You have ONE WEEK to answer correctly. We will reveal the winner and the answers on Wednesday 29 July. If no one gets them all right, we will award the prize to the person who has the MOST right. So it's worth having a go even if you reckon you only know a couple.
Some are QUITE DIFFICULT, so it's possible that we will drop a HINT or two every now and then. Keep your eyes peeled. Authors whose books are included here are NOT EXCLUDED. You just got a lucky break.
NB Some of these covers also featured the English title. But we have used our mad photoshop skills to camouflage them.
Anyway... Are you ready? On your marks, get set, GO!YOUR MISSION:
Below are the foreign editions of seven our books.
Can you name the author and the original English title of each?
Can you name the author and the original English title of each?
Be the first to email us seven correct answers and we will send you a Scarygirl for your very own. [You will find our special competition email address in the comments.]
You have ONE WEEK to answer correctly. We will reveal the winner and the answers on Wednesday 29 July. If no one gets them all right, we will award the prize to the person who has the MOST right. So it's worth having a go even if you reckon you only know a couple.
Some are QUITE DIFFICULT, so it's possible that we will drop a HINT or two every now and then. Keep your eyes peeled. Authors whose books are included here are NOT EXCLUDED. You just got a lucky break.
NB Some of these covers also featured the English title. But we have used our mad photoshop skills to camouflage them.







*Although the rain that's just begun might put paid to that. Ahh, Melbourne.
**Seriously, we just about have to keep these things under lock and key lest they walk out of the House of Onion seemingly on their lonesome.
If you are here to comment, please do.
If you are here to enter our Scarygirl competition, please send your entries (author & A&U title) to: allenunwin[at]
Omy, that's a touch competition! Glad I'm not entering. (You lovely Onions will send me the book in time anyway, right?!)
Bugger. I meant tough. I am all butter-fingers with my typing today!
Pass. Way hard.
I'm here to comment - and drool over distant scary-girl books.
We just want to thank all you Alien Onions and nathan j for our beautiful copy of Scarygirl. That mighty pink cover is indeed, well... pink. The artwork inside is superb. Scarygirl in her scary world lives!
PS. Are they 'alien onions' I see in Chihoohoo's den?
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