09 September 2009

Brown paper packages tied up with string...

Or in this case a small free kiss, wrapped up in a fiery heart.

Hurrah for Glenda Millard who won the Young Adult Book Award for A Small Free Kiss in the Dark at the Queensland Premier's Literary Awards last night.

The judges said: Poetic and lyrical, with a poignant understatement that avoids cliche or sentimentality, the narrative is imbued with a sense of spiritual value, compassion, redemption and the possibility that even the most damaged of us can be heroic. This inspiring novel holds together flawlessly and would appeal to readers of 12 to old age.

Congratulations to all the other winners, too.

And what's that you say? A dictionary for the bewildered? Clever.
These are a few of our new favourite things...

emphasimia (noun) Exhaustion caused by reading texts with too many exclamation marks.

librido (noun) Specific form of sublimated sexual tension found only in libraries.

pedistriumph (noun) The look of righteous supremacy you direct at the driver of a car you forced to stop at a zebra crossing.

1 comment:

Celine said...

So many congrats re 'Small Free Kiss' One of my fav reads this year!