14 June 2012

Inky Awards Long Lists

Melbourne in winter. The sky is grey. The temperature has risen three whole degrees since the overnight low. There is rain on the radar.* 

So, inside the House, the winter woollies are getting a good work out and we are huddled around our heaters. But do not despair, we Onions are not nearly as gloomy as the weather. We are positively glowing with delight because the Inky Long List has been announced and we have NEWS to TRUMPET!

Long-listed for the Gold Inky (Australian titles)

Sea Hearts by Margo Lanagan

The Coming of the Whirlpool by Andrew McGahan 

Long Listed for the Silver Inky (International titles)

Storm by Brigid Kemmerer

Many HOORAYS for Margo!
Many HOORAYS for Andrew!
Many HOORAYS for Brigid!

We congratulate all the authors on the Gold & Silver Long Lists, and now we shall quietly cross all of our fingers and all of our toes for the Short List announcement on 27 August.

*We even saw one of Inky's relatives all rugged up when we braved the cold outdoors to fetch some hot coffee.

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