22 March 2011

Awardy goodness

The Aurealis Awards shortlist was announced today.
And my what a pretty shortlist it is.*

Kids' fiction (primarily through words)

Kids' fiction (primarily through pictures)
Precious Little by Julie Hunt, Sue Moss and Gaye Chapman

Best illustrated book/graphic novel
Hamlet by Nicki Greenberg

Five Wounds by Jonathan Walker and Dan Hallett

Best YA short story
'A Thousand Flowers' by Margo Lanagan
from Zombies vs Unicorns Justine Larbalestier and Holly Black (eds)

Best YA novel
Guardian of the Dead by Karen Healey

Guardian of the Dead is a Young Adult Fiction Finalist in the New Zealand Post Children's Book Awards - only the most prestigious awards in all of New Zealand!

Guardian of the Dead is also a finalist for the Australian Shadow Awards presented by the Australian Horror Writers Association

Huge congratulations, to Karen - and to Lian, Julia, Sue, Gaye, Nicki, Jonathan, Dan and Margo!

Woo hoo!!

*Editors bat their eyelashes becomingly in the direction of the shortlist*

1 comment:

Among Amid While said...

Thank you, Onions! Love youse all! Margo.