Guinea Pig Thursday made a welcome return today with this interesting specimen:

It looked like a cheesecake...
It smelled like a cheesecake...
It tasted like a cheesecake...
It was made from tofu, and IT WAS DELICIOUS.
It was creamy and soft, and delicate of flavour, and we're talking about it in the past tense because it's all been eaten up.
The Cake-maker Virtuoso tells us that it did also contain cream cheese and other traditional cheesecake ingredients, so it wasn't a purebred tofudebeest.
We are in awe of her talents. Anyone wishing to attempt to replicate her feat should get hold of a copy of Okashi: Sweet Treats made with love.
Arigato, Cake-maker Virtuoso! Totemo oishikatta desu.
Hm. I'm not convinced...
Kate - Oh you would be, if you'd been here! There was nothing 'worthy' about this cheesecake. omnomnom
What do you mean, 'it was made from tofu AND it was delicious.'
It was made from tofu and of course it was delicious!
Sorry to digress, but... Do any of you Onions know when unsuccessful Vogel entrants will be told that they've been unsuccessful? I mean... it's November!
PS. I'm not surprised the tofu dessert was delicious. Ever tried the tofu and ginger syrup dessert at yum cha?
Jo - forgives our doubt, and those who doubt with us. We are converted.
Anonymous - that's quite a digression from the business of cake, or tofu - or tofudebeests! The news from the Mothership is that letters to entrants will be emailed in the next fortnight or so. Good luck!
Jo - forgive us again. We meant forgive us our doubt, not forgives our doubt... sigh.
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