But that's not all, the good people at the SLV have also done something else: they have put Karen Healey Inside a Dog.
Karen is the writer in residence for this month. She promises that she will be writing about all sorts of high-minded topics like Roxette, Creme Eggs and adverbs. Go forth and let her entertain you.
The two writers who preceded Karen in the residence were our very own Celine Kiernan and Garth Nix. You can scroll back to read Garth's and Celine's posts as well. It's like a three-for-one deal!

What's that you say? Oh yes, now that you mention it, that is a picture of real live copies of Guardian of the Dead in the wilds of the House of Onion. Pardon? When is it available for buying? April. That's next month. NEXT MONTH!
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