29 November 2012

Another Birthday! MOAR cake!

So. From early this morning our hatches have been battened against the extreme heat. Which is GOOD NEWS because...

Because... well let us turn to our good friends at the McCoy Building School of Earth Sciences to illustrate our point.

So. Yes. It's HOT. That high temp is 38.3 degrees. And despite the battening, we are perhaps a little wilted. But happily for us there is another Onion birthday in the (hot) House today. And another birthday means: MOAR CAKE!

And what a cake it was. Perfect for a child of the 1970s.


Complete with the added deliciousness of butternut snaps

Oh so stripy. Like a tiger.* In the House.**

And kiwi fruit! So green. So cool and crisp and refreshing. So many wonderful items for the eating.

So here's cheers to EM for most excellent cake-making - and a thousand hip hip hoorays for SC - the birthday Onion.

* Trust us. It was beautifully stripy. In our eagerness to eat, we may not have paused long enough to take a photo that actually showcased its perfect stripes.
** Which is far less alarming than a (Bengal) tiger in a small boat. 


A latte beckons said...

Many happy returns, dear birthday Onion xxx

Sadami said...

Dear Onions,
Please pass my best wishes to your SC.
Kind regards, Sadami