The ever-whimsical, ever-delightful McSweeney's has published a book of letters from kids to Barack Obama. You can read some here. (And just because we love a list, and no one does a list better than McSweeney's: Reasons You Might Die of Consumption in a 19th-century Novel, in Order From Least Likely to Most Likely)
In honour of swine flu (Will Wilbur be our downfall?**), how well do you know your apocalypse fiction?
Editorial Anonymous has some good advice about how to become a children's book editor, beginning with our favourite: 'You'd better be seriously interested in children's books. Not "I could be interested if I got a job in children's books". Interested NOW.'
Oh and look, Mr Chicken Goes to Paris is a book! Oui oui!
And the endpapers are so gorgeous we just about can't stand it (and the ones at the back are different!!).
*Bret and Jermaine know what we're talkin' about.
** Clearly, we spoke too soon about the popularity of pigs!
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